

Who Killed The master?

It Was Gorgias of Leontini


why we do it…

In the midst of a historical period, characterized by a continual bombardment from an increasingly excessive amount of information, from fake news in echo chambers, to partisan pundits on main stream networks, and political movements of every sort, it has become increasingly difficult to separate wheat from chaff, in terms of determining the truth.

In a day when the word social justice has become a pejorative, and showing any kind of love or empathy is characterized as virtue signaling, it is more necessary than ever for the promotion of a lawful and therefore powerful form of judgment capable of competently articulating a defense of the good.

We rise as standards, and as reflections of higher order standards, not because we were born superior in anyway but because we are committed to building lawfully on understanding. As we continue to make discoveries we will continue to share them in a way that is accessible to anyone equipped with the prerequisite commitment, courage, patience, and passion, to do so.

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